Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blissful Birthday Cake

I like to think that when it comes to most food, I possess a considerable amount of willpower.  I'll have a half of a brownie, a few McDonald's fries (they're best when they're piping hot), or I'll even stop at one slice of pizza.  There is, however, one exception to this rule and that would most certainly be cake.  If there is a cake in my house, it's all I can think (obsess) about.  I will saw away at it all day long (I tell myself that it's just a "sliver") but those morsels add up and before I realize it, I've consumed half a cake...not half a slice.  For this reason, I don't bake cakes too often but there is something special and personal when it comes to baking a birthday cake from scratch.  I have found this recipe to be extremely simple yet richly rewarding.  It is light, moist and flavorful and when it's coupled with this buttercream frosting, it brings me back to my childhood, when birthday parties were uncomplicated gatherings that consisted of hot potato, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey and most times, a homemade sheet cake.  This past weekend, we celebrated my husband's birthday and yet again, we were not disappointed with this classic yellow cake.  Of course, I had two helpings and I'm already thinking about my next piece which will go perfectly with a frosty glass of milk.

1 comment:

  1. This looks and sounds delicious! I'm impressed with your willpower. Can you lend some of that over here!? The only way I can sometimes control it is to leave the pan, box of pizza, chips or whatever in another room!

